Discover the Untouched Beauty of Diglipur Through Trekking

Diglipur, which lies in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' northern region, is a jewel just waiting to be discovered. The hamlet provides an insight into the tribal culture of the area and is bordered by stunning beaches and verdant forests. The following are some of the best activities and sights in Diglipur:

Saddle Peak: Saddle Peak, the highest point in the Andaman Islands, provides sweeping views of the territory. The five to six-hour ascent to the summit includes stops at waterfalls, streams, and lush forests. For the trek, it is advised to use a local guide.

Ross and Smith Islands: The Ross and Smith Islands, which are twin islands joined by a slender sandbar, provide a tranquil setting for unwinding and soaking up the sun. The islands are easily reached by boat from Diglipur and are well-known for scuba diving and snorkelling.

Kalipur Beach is a popular destination for seeing the sunrise and sunset due to its black sand. Visitors may watch the turtles hatch and make their way to the sea during the nesting season because the beach is also a turtle breeding site.

Alfred Caves: The Alfred Caves, a group of limestone caves in the centre of Diglipur, are a well-liked location for hiking. The caves are encircled by thick forests and are home to numerous kinds of bats.

Ramnagar Beach: Around 15 kilometres from Diglipur, Ramnagar Beach is a remote area with calm surroundings and crystal-clear waves. Swimmable and ideal for sunbathing, the beach.

The Dhaninallah Mangrove Nature Walkway provides a special opportunity to discover the local flora and animals as it winds through mangrove woods. Throughout the trip, visitors can see a variety of bird species.

Tribal Villages: Diglipur is home to a number of indigenous tribes, and by visiting the adjacent villages, tourists can learn more about their culture and way of life. Taking a guided tour is advised to ensure responsible and respectful tourism practises.

Diglipur also provides a number of additional activities like water sports, camping, and trekking in addition to the aforementioned attractions. Visitors can enjoy some of the regional specialties, including lobster and fish curry, which are made renowned by the town's fame for its seafood.

Diglipur provides a special opportunity to discover the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' natural beauty and culture. To truly enjoy everything the town has to offer, it is advised to stay there for at least two to three days.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands' natural beauty and culture can be fully appreciated by exploring Diglipur. To ensure a safe and pleasurable trip, it is advised to prepare in advance and take the required safety measures.